How to be a Member?

Yearly Opt. 1 - $25 (T-shirt included)

Yearly Opt. 2 - $20 (No T-shirt included)

Semester Only: $15

Benefits of Becoming a Member

  • Exclusive access to certain events
  • Discounts on trips and events
  • Eligible for SASE member involvement programs
  • Eligible for the membership point system
  • SASE Graduation Stole and Cord: MUST meet Eligibility Req. - Acknowledged and Active member for at least 2 semesters

Membership Points


Attend SASE conferences

Attend professional workshop
Participate in involvement program

Attend socials

Attend general body meetings (GBM)

Follow us on social media

Membership points → Raffles → Prizes

Involvement Programs




About: SASEhouses is a small group program that helps members connect with each other, make friends, and get involved in SASE in a smaller setting.

About: SASEinterns is our SASE Officer internship program! It's an opportunity for members to strive for professional growth and prepare them to be future leaders. You can still be an intern if you’re graduating this year!

About: Mentors may serve as a guide to mentees as they navigate their academic careers, involvement in SASE, or life in general.

Mentors - Must be Junior level or higher

Mentees - Open to all

Must be paid member to participate

More Involvement Program

Research interest group is created to provide students and members with an experience in STEM research. Along with workshops and networking events, the groups would collaborate with faculty to produce valuable research which is presented ideally at the end of the year banquet. SASE Science team works with faculty across multiple disciplines to provide you with the best learning experience.

SASE RIG Research Interest Group

Recent RIG Projects

Finger Gesture Recognition
Parking Space Detection
Data Set Analysis